Sunday, 22 February 2015

Thanks for visiting, sorry for pushing crummy leaflets through your doors, hate doing that kind of stuff but hope you all understand why. For me right now its a principle as well as an inconvenience. Here's the leaflet in all its PowerPoint glory, feel free to comment as you wish.

PS. did you know Rochford Council chose not to support this scheme by contributing? (in other words the Government offered to match contributions from Local Council, but they decided to....well.. offer zero.). Incidentally, how are you all finding your council tax payments these days, ok? Many councils except Rochford have participated.

Any comment Rochford council? Please put us straight if this is factually incorrect. I'll be writing to them very shortly


  1. Hi,

    It's good to hear someone is doing something about it. I have book marked the blog, so let us know if there are any other things we can do apart from send an email to Super Fast Essex (done) and complete their survey (done)

  2. So pleased you have taken the time to do this and reply to the blog, good for the motivation. Yes I will let you know if there is anything else that can be done to help appreciate the gesture. Right now my focus is on Rochford Council, trying to get a contact there. Does anyone happen to know if the houses at the top of the road near the school have fibre (or classed as south fambridge?) I didn't leaflet them and wonder if its worth it

    Again thanks for the comment

  3. Hello

    Have contacted SuperFastEssex too, I was under the impression that the village would be upgraded by now, though from what I gather it is "alternative technologies" by 2016 now...

    More of this sort of thing!

  4. Thanks very much for doing this and letting me know. Incidentally I've also investigated other types of broadband (ie with a mast in the garden) but we are even too remote for that.

    Really hoping that some good will come out of this blog.

  5. Thanks very much for doing this and letting me know. Incidentally I've also investigated other types of broadband (ie with a mast in the garden) but we are even too remote for that.

    Really hoping that some good will come out of this blog.
